The electronic journal Sapientia Iuris. The Roman and Canon law. The history of law will publish articles, reports, reviews and other studies in Polish, English, Italian, German, and French. Further, we accept for publication  the translation of classical texts into Polish or other modern languages.


I. Articles, translations, reports, reviews and other studies should be provided: in an electronic form – to an email address of the Secretary of the Editorial Team, and in a form of a conventional printout or a typescript – to the following address: Redakcja Sapientia Iuris. Prawo Rzymskie i  Kanoniczne. Historia Prawa, ul. Gabriela Narutowicza 17 a,  70-240 Szczecin.

II. Each article should be submitted with a summary in English, including the title, and a summary in Polish (half of the A4 size paper format each). With regard to the remaining studies accepted for reviews and approved for publication, the Editorial Team may request submission of the above mentioned summaries.

III. The title page of the scholarly study should include the first name, the last name, a professional title, an academic degree or an academic title of the author, the name of the author’s affiliated higher education institution or organization; PhD students are requested to provide the name of the higher education institution where the registration and conferment procedure for a doctoral degree has been commenced.

IV. The review heading should include – apart from the data specified in the point above –entered in bold: the first name (full name) and the last name of the author of the reviewed paper, a full title (italicized) in accordance with the title page. In the case of a review of a joint publication or a primary source, the title should be followed by full first names and last names of editors or publishers (abbreviations in the language of the reviewed paper, e.g. ed.); in the case of a multi-volume study – the number of volumes or parts should be provided – in Arabic numerals, e.g. vol. 1-2; as well as the  full name of the issue series, the publisher city and the year published, the publisher name, and the number of pages. Reviews should not include footnotes/endnotes.

V. The heading of a report should include the name of an academic conference or symposium (italicized), followed by the venue and the exact date (both put in brackets).

VI. The length of the article or other study should not exceed 25-30 thousand characters.

VII. The file format should comply with the MS Word 2008 text editor or more recent version, i.e. we accept text files e.g. in doc and docx formats.

VIII. With regard to modern languages, the preferred font is Times New Roman; the main text – 12 point font size, and footnotes/endnotes and summaries – 10 point font size. Greek texts are accepted for publication in Greek font for Windows. The format of other texts, e.g. Coptic, Syrian etc. should be first agreed upon with the Editorial Team. The Editorial Team shall not be liable for any omission or wrong notation of diacritic marks in Greek unless the author, while submitting the study to the Editorial Team, performs the correction of the study. Interline: 1,5 line spacing; opening line of a paragraph: 0.5 cm, without additional line spacing between the paragraphs.

IX. Formats of tables, diagrams, photographs, drawings, figures, formulas, charts, maps, etc. should each time be agreed upon with the Editorial Team. Drawings, tables should be placed in designated parts of the text. The density should not be smaller than 300 ppi.

X. Sources quoted in the text should be put in quotation marks (modern languages), italicized (Latin), regular characters without quotation marks (Old Greek); all quotations – smaller font compared with the main text, preserving formatting rules: set the left and right margin of – 1,25 cm; font size – 11; 4-point spacing before and after. All and any omissions in the text quoted should be marked with three dots in square brackets, i.e. […].

XI. Sources related to the Polish law – according to the following pattern, e.g.: Ustawa z dnia 7 września 1991 r. o systemie oświaty (Dz.U. Nr 91 z 1995 r., poz. 425), or : Ustawa z dnia 14 marca 2003r. o stopniach i tytule naukowym oraz o stopniach i tytule w zakresie sztuki (Dz.U. z 2014 r., poz. 1852, z 2015 r., poz. 249 i 1767).

XII. Generally accepted guidelines for quoting sources of the Roman law (e.g. Gai 1.2; C.Th. 6.6.1 (Impp. Gratianus, Valentinianus et Theodosianus AAA. ad Severum Pref. Urbi); D. 14,2,2 (Paulus libro 34 ad edictum) and the Canon law, e.g. CIC/1917, Can. 24; CIC/1983, Can. 1055; CCEO, Can. 56.  are applied.

XIII. Quoting ancient works, the information to be provided includes: the author (regular font), the title of work: in Latin – italicized, while in Old Greek – regular font; date; followed by location (chapter, paragraph etc.) – e.g. Cicero, In Verrem 2,1,111-118;  Facundus, Pro defensione Trium Capitulorum Concilii Chalcedonensis Libri XII. Ad Iustinianum imperatorem, date (c. 550), [in:] PL, vol. 67, galley 527-582; also [in:] CCL, vol. 90 A (the whole volume), Turnhout 1974; next, alternatively the issue of the original text with the indication of the page or galley is provided, e.g. Jerzy Kedren, Compendium historiarum a mundo condito usque ad Isaacium Comnenum imperatorem a Dn. Georgio Cedreno ex diversis libris collectum (Σύνοψις ἱστοριῶν αρχομένη απὸ κτίσεως κόσμου καὶ μέχρι τῆς βασιλείας Ἰσαακίου τοῦ Κομνηνού συλλεγείσα παρά κυροῦ Γεωργίου τοῦ Κεδρηνού ἐκ διαφόρων βιβλίων), ed. I. Bekkerus [Bekker], compiled by G. Xylandro, vol. 1-2. CSHB, vol. 13-14 [vol. 46-47?], Bonnae 1838-1839; Γεωργίου τοῦ Κεδρηνού Σύνοψις ἱστοριῶν (Georgii Cedreni Compendium historiarum). Σύνοψις ἱστοριῶν αρχομένη απὸ κτίσεως κόσμου καὶ μέχρι τῆς βασιλείας Ἰσαακίου τοῦ Κομνηνού συλλεγείσα παρά κυροῦ Γεωργίου τοῦ Κεδρηνού ἐκ διαφόρων βιβλίων (Compendium historiarum a mundo condito usque ad Isaacium Comnenum imperatorem a Dn. Georgio Cedreno ex diversis libris collectum), τομ. α', [in:] PG, vol. 121, galley 23-1166; τομ. β', [in:] PG, vol. 122, galley 9-367; should the author apply the translation into a modern language, the translation is to be provided with the indication of the page.

XIV. The basic data provided in references include: the author’s  initial and the last name (regularfont), following a coma – the title of work (italicized), following a coma – the title, part etc., following a coma – the publisher city (without the publisher name) and the year published, following a coma – the page, galley etc. The publisher name is provided solely in the event when the publisher city is unknown.

XV. If the work of the same author is quoted for several times, the following guidelines are applied: for the first time – full description; for the subsequent time: the author’s name initial and the last name (regular font),  op. cit., and following a coma – “p.” and a given page number; for consecutive citation, when various works of the same author are quoted in the text: the author’s name initial and the last name, the abridged form of the title shortened to the first noun (italicized), without suspension points, and following a coma – a given page number, e.g. S. Bączkowicz, Prawo, vol. 1, p. 34.

XVI. When citing a journal article, the data provided include: the author’s name initial and last name, the title (italicized) year, the title of the journal provided in regular characters in quotation marks, the year published (in brackets), the number or issue in Arabic numerals, pages, e.g. A.M. Demicheli, La politica religiosa di Giustiniano in Egitto. Riflessi sulla chiesa egiziana della legislazione ecclesiastica giustinianea, “Aegyptus" 63 (1983), no. 1-2, p. 225.

XVII. Quoting articles from a joint publication, the following data are provided: the author’s name initial and the last name, the title (italicized), then following a comma “in:” (in square brackets), the title of the joint publication (italicized), the editor’s or editors’ name initial(s) and last name(s), or alternatively the series name, the place and year of publication, and the number of pages, e.g. C. Morrisson, Wydarzenia – perspektywa chronologiczna, [in:] Świat Bizancjum, vol. 1: Cesarstwo Wschodniorzymskie 330-641, ed. idem, transl. Andrzej Graboń, Kraków 2007, p. 11-62.

XVIII. Quoting encyclopaedia and dictionary entries, the following format is used: the author’s name initial and the last name (regular font), the title (italicized) and a full description of the encyclopaedia or the dictionary, the volume and pages or galleys (along with the abbreviations  of “p.”), e.g.: A.P.Kazhdan Alexander P., s. v. Defensor civitatis, [in:] The Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium, ed. A.P. Kazhadan, A. M. Talbot, A. Cutler, T. E. Gregory, N. P. Ševčenko, vol. 1, New York-Oxford  1991, vol. 1, p. 600.

XIX. In languages other than Polish, the following Latin abbreviations are used: ibidem, idem, op. cit.

XX. For the remaining technical requirements: please use the commonly applied abbreviations, e.g.: “ed.”, “p.”, “etc.”, “i. a.”, “c.” (century); months are to be written in words, e.g. 26 August 1996.

XXI. Quoting internet websites, the formula must include the website access date, e.g., last access: 26 August 2016.

XXII. Articles and other studies which do not comply with the above requirements will be rejected during the first stage of editorial work, i.e. prior to submission for a review.

XXIII. The Editorial Team shall reserve the right to correct the text and to reject the text upon a negative review.

XXIV. The Editorial Team reminds that ghostwriting and guest authorship phenomena embody academic unreliability and dishonesty, infringing upon ethical and legal rules in science. All disclosed cases of such conduct will be - immediately – reported to competent state authorities and private bodies, and will be entered on files, and protocols etc.  

XXV. Submitting a scholarly study to the journal shall be tantamount to the transfer, to the publisher, of the rights to publish the study in an electronic form. 

XXVI. No royalties shall be paid to the authors.